End ethnic cleansing in Palestine – South Africa must act now! 

26 January 2023 

The South African BDS Coalition is outraged by the massacre in Jenin today. Nine Palestinians,  including a 60-year-old woman, were murdered in cold blood during an early morning  invasion by Israeli occupation forces. Another 20 people were wounded, four remain in a  critical condition. Tear gas canisters were also fired at the Jenin Government Hospital,  suffocating patients, including children, and ambulances were hindered from attending to the  injured. 

Today’s slaughter by apartheid Israel’s occupation forces also included a young man in Al Ram, occupied Jerusalem, bringing the total of Palestinians killed by the colonial Zionist Israeli  occupation forces to 30 since the start of this year. More than one Palestinian has been killed  for each day of this year! 

The impunity with which apartheid Israel carries out ethnic cleansing cannot be allowed to  continue. This is an ongoing war crime that is openly celebrated by members of the apartheid  Israeli government. Almog Cohen, a parliamentarian from the Jewish Power Party of National  Minister of Security, Itmar Ben-Gvir, today praised the murderous occupation forces for their  massacre, referring to it as “nice and professional work” and urging that they “keep killing  them”. 

The United Nations Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Francesca  Albanese, has expressed alarm at today’s massacre and called for the immediate deployment  of an “international protective presence” in the Palestinian territory to protect Palestinians  from the murderous Israeli forces. 

South Africa has a political and ethical duty to sever all ties with apartheid Israel, including  diplomatic and economic relations. It is completely immoral for a post-apartheid South Africa  to continue diplomatic, sporting, cultural and trade relations with an apartheid state. 

How many more Palestinians must be murdered before South Africa and the international  community implement measures to isolate apartheid Israel? How many more massacres will  it take before South Africa and the international community end their protection of the Zionist  colonial and apartheid occupiers? Words are useless without actions towards full sanctions  and an arms embargo against this pariah state. 

We demand: 

That South Africa cuts diplomatic relations with apartheid Israel and calls for a sporting,  cultural and academic boycott of apartheid Israel by South African institutions. 

The National Prosecuting Authority takes urgent action to prosecute South Africans who join  the Israeli occupation forces in contravention of the South African Foreign Military Assistance  Act. The numerous dockets detailing the mercenary role of some South Africans must be  investigated and the perpetrators prosecuted. 

South Africa proposes a resolution in the UN General Assembly to reinstate the anti-apartheid  mechanisms to move towards international sanctions and an arms embargo against apartheid  Israel. 

All South Africans must take action! Boycott companies complicit in Israeli apartheid, join the  global campaign to #Boycott PUMA, sponsor of the apartheid Israeli Football Association. 

Our message to all South African institutions, organisations and companies that have ties to  apartheid Israel is that you have blood on your hands. End your complicity with Israeli  apartheid now! 

For more information please contact: 

Roshan Dadoo: 082 816 2799 

Mahfouz Raffee: 072 060 2276 

Humairaa Mayat: 073 373 4077

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